Thursday, November 20, 2008

Same as it ever was

I'm not going to do The Fest journal. It really is a load of jibberish and hard enough for even myself to comprehend.

This blog is a bad idea, I don't really have anything to write about that is important at all.

I guess I can talk about how I got kicked out of a Tucson rockabilly bar. So, the other night Erica and I drove the desert highway to catch The Underground Railroad to Candyland and Japanther play at some hanger. We were both in shitty moods and cranky and the show started super late. A boring band played for way too long and the show got shut down. You know, this story is boring, basically I get asked to leave the Vaudville for being underaged and have to watch URtC from the front door.

I realized that almost everything I look for to or get excited about is related to music and going to shows. I like that it is such an important thing to me, but I wish I had other things going on. The music thing is especially sour because I am virtually stagnant in creating music at this point. I hope to change that this week and get some serious song writing and practicing in.

I successfully countered oncoming depression and I feel like I beat it! It's the first time I've ever been able to do that.

I just got my guitar out for the first time in a very long time so I don't feel like writing anymore. Worst post ever!

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